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WritersPerHour.com Review

About the Company
We have not found precise information on how long WritersPerHour.com has been operating on the custom writing market. Still, since the earliest feedbacks about the company date back to three years ago, we assume that time was the starting point of this service. Our first acquaintance with the company was via the website. It is worth mentioning that we were positively impressed by the interface, the website’s usability, and the clarity of information provided. The website does not only include all the necessary information but it is also accompanies by a blog that contains free paper samples as well as guidelines on different writing types, styles, and formats.
One of the drawbacks we have found on the website is that there is no specific page or category where the company’s services are outlines. As such, if you need some specific paper, you should check the presence of such type in the order form. As soon as you click the menu, you will see that the company offers a wide range of services, which means that clients can get custom writing support in almost any type of writing. Apart from the usual essays, you can order lab reports, reviews, term papers, coursework, presentations, resumes, and many other academic writing types.
To check the quality of writing WritersPerHour.com provides, we decided to place a 4-page essay of college level required to be delivered within a deadline of 5 days. The essay had to deal with a health & medicine topic since the discipline chosen was nursing. Among the specific recommendations was double spacing and we also specified that it is important that the paper is written by a USA writer.
Pricing Policy and Discount Options
The per-page rate starts at 11.99 USD if the deadline is 30 days. It is not an affordable price for an average student if to compare this rate with the rest of services. Overall, the price depends on the paper urgency and the complexity of writing. If one needs a paper of PhD level within 5 hours, for example, he/ she may pay even up to 80.99 USD per page. What surprised us here is that we have first come across a company that offers academic assistance with PhD papers within five hours. Honestly, it seems unrealistic and impossible as such practice will hardly ever result in anything else but a poor-quality paper. We paid almost 68 USD for the paper we ordered. Since we were new clients, we were given a 15% discount. Still, it was not shown in the online calculator on the website.
Order Placement
The website is user-friendly and easy to navigate, which makes the ordering process really easy. It will not take you much time to place a paper – you just need to provide all the necessary details according to the guidelines and pay for the paper. The company accepts different payment options, such as PayPal, Visa, Discover, and MasterCard.
Quality of Services
We got a paper of less than mediocre quality. The company agents insisted that they can provide a high-quality paper in a short period of time although we did not need the paper urgently. The level of writing and the requirements were a bit challenging, so we gave five days for the order completion. As such, we were 100% sure that we would get a great paper, especially considering the fact that they can provide impeccable content within tight deadlines. However, we were disappointed with the final result. The writer did not manage to cover all the points on the instruction sheet. Besides, the sources used were outdated and they did not directly relate to the topic. The paper lacked specific claims and argumentation. The style and formatting requirements were not met.
Customer Support Service
According to the information provided on the website, the customer support service operates 24/7 and can be contacted via online chat, telephone, and email. We contacted the support team to get some clarifications on the order. The agent replied us promptly and was polite and consistent in all explanations. We filed a complaint and applied for a refund, which was approved without any conflicts or arguments. As such, we successfully got our money back.
Online Reputation
Since WritersPerHour.com is a fairly new custom writing company, you will not find sufficient feedbacks from clients online. Still, among those we have looked through, the negative reviews were prevailing. Among the main causes of failed papers were poor content, missed deadlines, and overlooked paper requirements. Some other customers complained that they could not reach the customer support team.
Pros and Cons
We are definitely pleased with the usability of the company’s website. You can easily find the order type you want and you can find the needed information on the homepage. The company provides a vast array of services and the work of customer support is flawless. The customer support agents proved to be really helpful, professional, and polite. Nonetheless, we do not think that these are the sole criteria that make a custom writing service a good one.
We cannot claim that WritersPerHour.com is the worst company ever but the quality of writing and the company’s approach to work should be improved. We do not recommend this service to students as we found no clear advantages. This is not the kind of company that will provide top-notch writing services. The company should be more diligent and responsible.
You should be very careful placing the order on this site. They don't fit the timeframes you set. At first, they ask to give a few more hours, but it may turn out in half a day.
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