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Studybay.com Review

When students are assigned essays in classes that they have no interest in, it can be nearly impossible to find the motivation to write it well. This is why they count on custom academic writing companies to do the work for them. Of course, the problem is that there are so many services to choose from that nobody can be certain which ones are dependable. The purpose of our unbiased reviews is to look at some of the more established custom writing services and help you make an informed decision about which ones to choose. For this article, we are reviewing Studybay.com. According to their website, they offer a variety of academic help including essay writing, dissertations, book reviews, and even CVs and cover letters. Aside from writing custom papers, they also provide editing and proofreading services.
One of the best ways to review a company is by trying out their services first hand. In our case, we ordered the same essay that we request for all companies: a college-level nursing paper on the topic of health and medicine. It is to be four pages long double-spaced with a deadline of 5 days. We also request an American writer. So does Studybay.com have what it takes to receive a positive assessment? Let us take a look.
Prices & Discounts
In most cases, when a company charges low prices we see that as a positive. But in the case of Studybay.com, the fact that papers start at $6/page had us questioning the quality of the work even before we’d placed an order. They offer a $5 credit for all first-time customers, but it can only be used for purchasing future orders. By comparison, when customers use the first-time discount with other companies, they are allowed to keep the difference. Studybay.com does not offer a lifetime discount program, but it’s logical since it is unlikely that anybody would want to work for them. Finally, they have an affiliate program in which students receive a 10% bonus (in the form of a credit) when they successfully refer a friend to their services.
We ended up paying $42 for the nursing paper, which is probably far less than we should have. On average, we pay around $70.
Order Process
The process is simple enough, but before you are allowed to access potential prices, you have to put in your email address. It might make good marketing sense for the company, but it can become something of a nuisance for customers who would rather not receive spam messages in the future. Once you choose the topic and email address, it takes you to a second page where you can provide more instructions. After that, a bunch of bots pop up and pretend to offer you bids for your order. Their messages contain odd greetings such as “Hello dear” and the profile pictures are fake. When we wrote to “essayexpert” who used a stock photo that can be found on millions of other websites, she still insisted that it was her actual profile pic. In any event, we opted for her anyway since she was one of several profiles that bid the identical $42 amount.
The payment methods are secure. We had the option of paying via major credit card or PayPal.
Considering how little we paid for the paper, it was not half bad. It was clearly not written by an American or any native English speaker for that matter. But it could probably get an ESL student a C- in a nursing class.
Customer Support
The customer support agents are available 24/7 and can be reached by phone, live chat or email. During the course of reviewing various custom writing companies, we have generally had a positive experience with their agents, but the staff at Studybay.com were surprisingly obnoxious. They could not answer basic questions about the process and most of them spoke with thick Eastern European accents.
Online Reputation
Once we did some more search, we were able to figure out why our nursing paper was such a disappointment. According to alexa.com, most of the Studybay.com web traffic comes from Kenya. Since we highly doubt that most of the company’s clients are from Kenya, the only conclusion we can draw is that all of their writers come from there. We are not saying they do a terrible job, but we asked for an American writer and were clearly deceived.
Advantages and Disadvantages
The Good:
- The lowest prices on the market
- Easy enough ordering process
The Bad:
- Incompetent customer support
- Their writers come from Kenya
We are willing to concede that there are plenty of customers (especially ESL students) who might be able to benefit from using Studybay.com’s services, but if you want a paper of the highest standards and a customer support team that actually does their job, we would recommend avoiding this company.
I made a conclusion for myself: low price means low-quality papers. It may seem affordable at first, but in the end, you have to go elsewhere with your paper to fix all the flaws.
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