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Marvelous-Essays.com Review

These days the Internet provides us with unlimited opportunities to get help for everything from hiring a nanny to suggesting the perfect vacation itinerary. Of course, students have also discovered that hiring a writer to complete their essays for them is an easy way to get the grades they want. But unfortunately, choosing the right academic writing company isn’t so simple. This is why we have taken it upon ourselves to write unbiased reviews of many custom writing services. Some of them do a pretty solid job whereas others are attempting to pull the wool over their customer’s eyes. For this review, we take a look at Marvelous-Essays.com in order to determine whether they deliver quality work.
On their website, this academic writing company states that they provide writing, editing, proofreading and formatting services to customers all over the world. They also cater to students in high school, college, and beyond. The writing services they provide are comprehensive and include essays, thesis and dissertation papers, and writing on any topic. They also offer free samples that students can use as guides for their own work. This is definitely a plus because by contrast, we have found that most other companies charge customers for samples.
As we do with all of our reviews, all of our orders followed the same requirements. We asked that it be written by an American writer and be a college-level paper 4 pages in length double-spaced. The deadline was set at 5 days. We also requested APA formatting to test their abilities to properly cite the paper. Finally, we chose nursing as the course and health & medicine as the topic of the paper. The results of what we found is in the “quality” section.
Prices & Discounts
The first thing we noticed is that Marvelous-Essays.com has a convenient, interactive price table that adjusts the cost of the order at any deadline point (as little as 3 hours and as many as 11 days) based on the type of paper and number of pages. They consider 300 words to be a page regardless of whether it is single or double spaced. Prices start at $12.99 per page for a high school paper with an 11-day deadline. This is within the industry average. The default price is in US dollars, but can be converted into Euros, British Pounds and Australian Dollars. We considered that to be a pretty nice feature. For an additional fee you can request a specific dialect of English (American or British), an extended window to request revisions, a draft of the order and even a preferred writer. They also have what they call an “affiliate” program in which customers receive a 10% discount every time they successfully convince a friend to purchase the company’s services.
The initial price for our order was $87.96 before we applied the 15% discount that comes with all first-time orders. The final price was $74.77. In addition, Marvelous-Essays.com offers the standard freebies such as a title page, reference list, table of contents, outline and plagiarism report (upon request).
Order Process
We found that the ordering page was user-friendly enough. As we filled in the details, we could see the updated cost for the services. In total, it probably took us around 5 minutes to order. We paid with a Visa credit card, although they also accept PayPal, MasterCard, Discover, and a few others.
Above everything else, the quality of the paper is what matters most. So let us get into the details as we discuss our experiences with Marvelous-Essays.com. First, the writing was pretty good. Definitely American English with appropriate, contemporary word choices. We would guess that the paper would earn a B. Was it the absolute best version of the nursing paper that we have received? Probably not. But it was still much better than some of the other companies we’ve reviewed. One small issue is that it was around 75 words below the 1200 that we had specified. But this was easily remedied when we asked for revisions. Everything else about the paper was completely legit. We got it by the deadline, it was formatted properly and - this is very important - it contained no plagiarism.
Customer Support
According to the website, the customer support department is open 24/7 and can be reached toll-free by phone as well as email and live chat. We tested out their response times at different times of the day using all three methods. For urgent orders, we would strongly recommend that you contact them by phone, as they responded immediately every time. We had no issues with getting in touch at 4pm or 4am. The response time for Live Chat was rapid. They answered our emails, but nonetheless we would recommend the other two options. Another important thing to note is that if you call the agents by phone, you will not have any issues understanding them. They speak clearly and in some cases with no accent at all while at other times only a slight hint of one. By comparison, a lot of other companies outsource their customer support department to countries such as India, where the agents - as nice as they are - speak with extremely thick accents. The Marvelous-Essays.com customer support agents definitely passed the test. They were polite, friendly and provided all the right answers when we asked about their discount programs. They also approved our revision request without any problems.
Online Reputation
When we did a Web Archive search, we found that the company began its operations in 2013. Many of the other companies that we reviewed have been around longer, but based on our experiences companies that have been around for several years are not any better than those that have existed for 5. It is the upstarts that always seem to struggle at first.
As a rule, we do not put much stock into testimonials on any company’s website since they certainly are not going to publish any negative feedback. Instead, we try to rely on reviews posted on third-party sites when possible. What we found is that the feedback on third-party websites is generally positive. Some of the negative reviews seem to have been written by trolls though. A sure sign of a fake review is when the poster uses a lot of sarcasm and will only say something positive if it is immediately followed by a comment that downplays this positive attribute.
Advantages and Disadvantages
- A decent essay at a good price
- A loyalty discount program
- Friendly customer support team that speaks English well
- Free features
- Secure payment methods
- We wished we did not have to request revisions
You could certain do far worse than Marvelous-Essays.com. They deliver papers of good quality at a low price. The writer was definitely knowledgeable about nursing and followed the directions more or less aside from needing to tack on those extra 75 words. We got the paper by the deadline and believe any student would get a decent grade had they been the ones to order it. Marvelous-Essays.com gets our recommendation.
Now I know what marvelous essay looks like, in all senses of these words.:) Keep on working well!
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