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GrabMyEssay.com Review

These days it is easy to find online custom writing services doing a quick Google search. The real problem is determining which ones are fine to use and which ones will let you down. Writing unbiased reviews on these companies and providing customers with details that allow them to make an informed decision is what we are about. For this review, we’re taking a look at GrabMyEssay.com, focusing not just on the quality of their writers but also the pricing policy, discounts, ease at ordering papers, the professionalism of the customer support team, and a few other important factors. According to their website, GrabMyEssay.com offers academic writing, rewriting, and editing/proofreading services. They also have professional writing services including custom resume, CV, cover letters. As with every review, we ordered a very specific type of paper: a nursing essay on the topic of health and medicine. The paper needed to be 4 pages long double-spaced, sophomore college-level, and with a 7 day deadline. We also requested an American writer. Read what we found below.
Prices & Discounts
The prices for a paper start at $14.99. This gets you a one-page high school-level paper with a 14-day deadline. This is a good 2 or 3 dollars higher than what most other services charge, and many of them offer lower prices for even tighter deadlines. In addition, this company counts 275 words as being one page, whereas the industry standard is 300 words/page. We take issue with this since a customer could find themselves needing to buy two pages just to fulfill a 300 word requirement. As with all companies, prices depend on factors such as the academic level, number of pages, and deadline, although the fact that a “junior” paper costs more than a “sophomore” paper demonstrates that this company has a fundamental misunderstanding of how the American system of higher education works.
The default prices are in dollars, but can be purchased in British Pounds, Canadian Dollars, Australian Dollars and Euros as well.
They offer a 15% discount on all first-time orders, which tends to be the industry standard. They also have the loyalty discount program that grows progressively from 5% to 15% as you order more pages. However, it takes 100 pages to reach the 15% threshold. By comparison, a lot of other companies provide this once the customer attains 50 pages.
They also offer a few “free” features, although some are more impressive than others. For instance, the free outline is actually a very good deal considering many companies tack on an extra charge. On the other hand, we are not certain why they think a title page should normally cost something (much less the $15 estimate that they claim on their website). It is akin to telling a customer that they should be pleased that their Popsicle stick comes for free.
Order Process
We had zero issues with the ordering process. We simply filled out the order form by providing all of the relevant information about our nursing paper. Their payment options include PayPal, Credit card or wire transfer, although we would strongly urge against wire transfers since that option provides almost zero security.
Customers have the option to choose an American or British writer. When choosing the UK writer, you get slapped with a 10% surcharge. They also offer a preferred writer at 20% of the cost of the total paper. The writer level options are as follows: “best available” at no additional charge, “premium” with a 25% surcharge, and “top 10” with a 40% surcharge. They also offer basic, advanced or premium customer service, although we could not really figure out what that entails exactly. Do they refuse to answer the phone if the customer orders merely “basic?” Finally, for an extra fee customers can request a plagiarism report, proofreading services, a summary or draft of their order.
Here is the section of the review that most readers care most about. Is GrabMyEssay.com worth it? Based on what we received, only marginally. We received our paper by the deadline and found almost no faults with its grammar and spelling, but it was entirely uninspired. It was also about 100 words less than the 1100 word requirement, so we took full advantage of the revisions policy and had the writer reach that number. We could see this paper receiving a C-.
Customer Support
We had positive experiences with GrabMyEssay.com’s customer support team. Just as their website claims, they are indeed available 24/7. We were able to reach them via phone, email and live chat. They responded promptly and were very knowledgeable. For this reason, it is a shame that the paper turned out so bad. When we asked for revisions, they approved our request immediately and apologized for the inconvenience.
Online Reputation
Most of the reviews on third-party websites were consistent with what we experienced: great customer service, reasonable prices, thoroughly mediocre papers. The company was launched in 2014, which means they are relatively inexperienced and it definitely showed in their work.
Advantages and Disadvantages
The Good:
- Reasonable Prices
- Customer Support
The Bad:
- Mediocre paper
- 275 words per page instead of 300
- Mostly negative reviews on third-party sites
We are somewhat split when it comes to making a recommendation. The company is legit for sure, but we received a thoroughly average nursing paper that might have earned a C or C-. In essence, paper was better than some of the others we have received, but definitely not as good as most. There is no reason why customers should not expect better.
I found both negative and positive feedback on the web about this service. Still, decided to give it a chance, because of reasonable prices. In the end, they didn't come up to my expectations.
When I received my paper I wanted to grab my money back and look for some real help on the web. Nevertheless, they refused to give me a refund.
I can't say that was entirely pleased with this service. My essay arrived on time, and the content was acceptable. I didn't like the way customer support agent talked to me. He was rude and impolite. He rejected to answer my questions.
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