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EduBirdie.com Review

In the past few years, the number of custom writing services has grown exponentially. While more choices and competition is good for the industry overall, it nonetheless has some consequences. In particular, customers are not sure which services are legit and which ones they should avoid. This is where we come in. Our consumer advocacy website reviews these writing services and helps prospective customers make informed decisions about which ones are truly looking out for them.
For this review, we are examining EduBirdie.com. According to their website, they specialize in writing, rewriting and editing services for all academic levels and subjects. As we do whenever we review a writing service, we ordered a paper in order to gain more insight. Every order is the same: a college-level essay on the topic of health and medicine in a nursing course. We stipulate a 5 day deadline, ask for a paper that is 4 pages in length double-spaced, and request an American writer. We ask the writers to do their own research and find appropriate sources that are current.
Prices & Discounts
Prices for an EduBirdie.com essay start at $18, which is far steeper than most. In fact, many other websites charge as much as $11 less per page. EduBirdie.com supposedly works on a bid system in which the writer names a price and the customer chooses the one that is best for them. We believe that the $18 might be intentionally high since we had no problems negotiating a lower price ($15/page) for our essay. It should be noted that this company does not offer discounts, placing it in the minority. In addition, we personally prefer the websites that have price tables listed since it offers some transparency. By contrast, the only way to know how much an EduBirdie.com paper is going to cost is to fill in the details, provide them with an email address, and register with the site before they will even provide a price. For students who want to know right away which services fit into their price range, this can be a major inconvenience. In the end, our paper cost $60. Our writer was named “Dr. Jack” but it was easy trace his fake profile pic to a healthcare website. Fake profile pics tend to be one of our biggest pet peeves.
Order Process
If you are willing to get past the idea that you can only order if you have signed up at the website, everything else about the ordering process is intuitive. They offer three quality levels:
- Standard quality - which we assume is somebody who does not have a college degree?
- Premium quality - somebody with a bachelor’s or higher and a supposed 80% success rate. They tack on a 10% surcharge for this.
- Platinum quality - somebody with a master’s degree or higher, more than 30 completed orders, and a 90% success rate. The surcharge is 15%.
Dr. Jack was one of several writers who placed a bid and his ($70) happened to be the lowest. We talked him down to $60. The company offers a few other options for an extra charge:
- 1-page abstract, maximum 275 words- $32.25. Given that a lot of writing services offer this for free, we believe any customer who would pay for one is getting a raw deal.
- VIP support, which allows customers to add amendments to their instructions and receive contact from a personal manager. This costs $12.99.
- Progressive delivery. For an additional $8.99 the writer will finish half of the paper and allow the customer to take a look before they proceed. For long orders, this is actually a pretty good option.
- Essay outline. They charge $12.00 for this. Most other companies offer it for free.
The payment is held in escrow until the paper is completed.
It is a good thing that we are not actual nursing students because this paper was pretty mediocre. We are not saying it was the worst of all the companies, but the syntax was clumsy and it was obvious that Dr. Jack is better at his job as a handsome stock photo model. This was an ESL writer all the way. We are not sure where EduBirdie.com gets its writers, but we doubt the process is as rigorous as they claim.
Customer Support
We had no issues with the customer support team. They were friendly, knowledgeable and professional. We were able to contact them through live chat, phone and email. They answered all of our questions and seemed well trained. We were also able to get in touch with Dr. Jack. One of his replies contained a grammar mistake. That did not inspire a lot of confidence.
Online Reputation
We did a Whois.net search and found that EduBirdie.com began operating in 2015. We do not trust their testimonials page for two reasons: literally, every review is positive and when we provided a reasonable and balanced review that highlighted the positives and negatives, they did not publish it. They obviously filter that stuff out.
The website was very user friendly and easy to navigate. Their blog is decent. They have a FAQ page, but most of it is nonsense. In addition, they claim they have been featured in publications such as Tech.co and the Telegraph, but when we clicked on the articles, they had absolutely nothing to do with writing services.
What We Liked:
- Easy ordering process
- Secure payment
- User-friendly website
- Customer service agents
What We did not Like:
- High prices
- Fake writer with fake profile pic
- Mediocre paper that might have gotten a C at best
We would not recommend these services. The fact that their writers are obviously using stock photo profile pics and fake biographies is evidence that EduBirdie.com is not transparent. By contrast, there are plenty of services out there that do not feel the need to create fake writer accounts. In addition, the paper just was not very good, especially given the money we paid for it. There are other companies out there that are far more trustworthy.
It was a complete disappointment. This site attracted me with a short time deadline. I needed my essay to be done within 24 hours. In the end, it was sent 5 hours later. My professor denied to accept it. So I paid a big amount of money for nothing.
How many scammer sites I should go through before I find the service for me? I'm so tired of unreliable people...
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