Review 6.6 stars, based on 2 reviews 10

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Overall rating: star star star star_half star_border
6.6 Review
Price from: $10
Discounts: 5%
Delivery time: 8 hours
Revisions: 10 days


If you have had enough of the academic challenges and assignments and just need some help, do not worry, you are not the only student to feel that way. Even though modern students can use many helpful resources, the amount of information to process is huge, so it is common for them to feel overwhelmed. The good news is that there is way out. Many students have already realized the benefits of using the services of online writing agencies that take care of some assignments. However, finding a good company is not easy and while some are lucky enough to come across a professional service, many students end up disappointed because the services were not worth the money. 

In this review, we are going to discuss This is writing agency that helps students that pursue academic degrees of different levels. Interestingly, they differentiate between the services for college and university students but their company rep could not explain this difference to us. Customers can order any type of academic writing from them. The full list is available on a drop-down menu. We ordered a college essay (double spaced, 4 pages) that had to be delivered to us in five days. We chose a USA writer option. The topic was Nursing, Health & Medicine.

Prices & Discounts

By comparing the prices on to those on other websites, we can say that the pricing policy of is reasonable. The base price of our order was 80 USD. However, after we requested a native English speaker, it was raised to 104 USD, which is higher than an average price. Prices

As to the discounts, has a special loyalty program and an additional system of discounts. The first-time customers can only expert to get 5% off the price for their order, which is not too much but still not bad. They will give you a coupon which you can use when placing your first order. There are no discounts for bulk orders. The company website does not describe the loyalty program in detail. We found out about it through pop-up advertisements.

Order Process

We did not have any issues at this stage. Basically, they have a three-step order placement process: describing paper requirements, calculating the price, and sharing contact details. As usual, you will have to specify the order details. We recommend to be very careful when explaining what kind of paper you need and maybe sharing some additional details with the writer. This will help you increase the chances of getting exactly the paper you need. 

Additional features are available for extra charge. For example, be prepared to pay 9.99 USD for a plagiarism report and 14.99 for an abstract, which are considered VIP services. There are also some free features, such as title page and bibliography.


The criteria against which we evaluated their services include the quality of writing both in the paper we received and on their website. 

Of course, the sample papers on the website exemplify the best writing they can offer. Nevertheless, we spotted quite a few mistakes in those papers and some papers were poorly structured. We were concerned that the actual papers the customers get would be written even worse. 

When we finally received our order, we were pleased to admit that the writer did follow our instructions regarding the length, number of sources and formatting. In addition, the paper was ready on time. However, we were really disappointed with the quality of writing, especially in light of the fact that we paid extra for a native English speaker. Besides, the writer did not use primary sources in the research.

Customer Support

Their customer support can be reached through live chats, emails, online contact form, or phone numbers (UK and US). The support is available 24/7. We called them and used their live chat to ask some questions more than once. However, we did not get clear answers, so we assumed that these were not real employees about answering services. Support

Online Reputation

We found mixed reviews about the quality of services provides. All clients admit that they received their papers on time but some complained about the quality of writing, resources used, etc.

Advantages and Disadvantages

We have carefully analyzed both advantages and disadvantages and we are sorry to admit that disadvantages prevail.


  • Acceptable prices
  • User-friendly website


  • Mixed reviews of clients
  • The quality of writing is not impressive
  • Small discounts
  • Useless customer support

Conclusion is a legit writing company and clients indeed receive original papers. However, the quality of services is not impressive and the customer support service does not work effectively. If you have an important assignment and you do not want to risk your academic performance, we recommend finding a company with more professional writers.

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Lupe Toro 09 Feb 2019 at 05:55

They’re supposed to be an essay writing service and their writer can’t even figure out how to write a thesis statement or take a position?! The citations were so poor i was shocked. I had to write it myself, what a waste of time and money.

Lorenzo 05 Jan 2019 at 08:05

When the time was up, I got nervous and I called the support myself and they were assuring me the work was coming to an end and so that I didn’t worry. After a few more phone calls when almost two weeks passed, I gave up my hopes to receive something.
